December 7, 2009

Gold Buckle Champion’s Calendar

Party at the
Planet Hollywood
December 3-8, 2009
Playing Field Lounge featuring
Tony Marques Band
Monty “Hawkeye” Henson * Josi Young
Donny Landis * Dru Stewart

Meet the Gold Buckle Champion Girls

Gold Buckle Champion is taking applications for the next
Gold Buckle Champion Calendar Girls

GBC Champion Girls are...
Champions in their community, to their friends,
or just in the eyes of a child.

Applications available at the
Gold Buckle Champion Booth at the
South Point Casino
December 3-8th
from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

$50 application fee includes
GBC Champion Collector T-Shirt
Glass of Gold Buckle Champion Wine
Chance to be in the next Gold Buckle Calendar Girls
Pictures with the celebrities at the
Premier at Planet Hollywood
December 3rd-8th from 10:00 pm to Midnight
in the Playing Field Lounge
Must be 21 to participate
Check for updates at
Buy Tickets Here

Sign up to win one of the
Collector Gold Buckle Champion Double Magnums with a donation to the
Justin Boots Cowboy Crisis Fund
at Planet Hollywood and at the South Point Casino

Click HERE for details

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