January 22, 2015

Northwest Regional Series

The affiliates in the Northwest have teamed together to put together some great shows for 2015 and put the FUN back in cutting.

For more information on entering or how to get your affiliate involved, please visit the sites listed below and contact one of the committee members.
Oregon – Madras, OR:
March 5-8th
Idaho – Nampa, ID:
March 17th Fresh Cattle Practice - Sign up at the show
March 18th – 22nd, 2015 –
LAE – March 18th – 20th
Weekend show – March 21st & 22nd, 2015
March 21-22 Gabrielle Sanborn Memorial Youth Scholarship Cutting (must be entered both days to be eligible)
March 21 High School Rodeo Cutting (after the show)
2015 ICHA March entry form
2015 membership-w9 form
[tab_item title="ICHA Show Information "]
Show Dates: LAE- March 18, 19 & 20th, 2015 Weekend- March 21 & 22nd, 2015
Show Location: Ford Idaho Horse Park, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd, Nampa, Idaho 83687
Directions: Exit 38 North off I-84. Go North off exit to contestant entrance (just before railroad tracks). Check in at Stall Office. Sally 208-442-3335
Produced By: Idaho Cutting Horse Association-ICHA Membership required --Family $85/Individual $55/Youth $15
Affiliate Approvals: Montana CHA, Oregon CHA & Washington CHA (included in Northwest Regional Cutting Series)
Entries by this Date: March 14th, 2015 Enter online at www.idahocha.com or at [email protected]. Entry form and horse papers can be attached to online entry or email address. ICHA membership can be taken at the show.
Draws: To help ensure we have the correct cattle available, ALL classes will be drawn and posted one day ahead. Wednesday LAE draws will be posted Tuesday late afternoon.
Show Secretary: Theresa Nelson (406) 369-2024 or [email protected]
Stalls: Reserve stalls & RV hookups with Horse Park- 208-442-3335 or online @ www.fordidahohorsepark.com.
NEW THIS YEAR-stalls/shavings & RV hookups will be RESERVED & COLLECTED for by the Idaho Horse Park. Stalls-$125 for nights Tue 3/17 thru Sat 3/21st. $90 Weekend only charge (Fri 3/20 thru Sat 3/21). Any additional stalling that is outside of the above dates will be charged $25/night, also collected by the Idaho Horse Park.
Practice: Fresh cattle practice Tuesday the 17th, starting at 2pm. Sign up at show. Practice pens & flag available throughout show.
Area Motels: Fairfield Inn 208-467-3335 Hampton Inn 208-442-0036 Ask for ICHA cutting show rate.
Judge: LAE: Terry Hollis Millsap, TX AAAA and Robert Rust Gordon, TX AAAA. WE: Tim Smith Temecula, CA AAAA
Show Starts: 8:00 am, horses on grounds at 7:00 am
Scholarship Cutting: Gabrielle Sanborn Youth Memorial Cutting Saturday & Sunday
LAE Schedule: March 18, 19 & 20th, 2015 8:00am (Each day is a separate show)
Class Order Purse EF/ CF/ O Total
1. 5/6 Open 2000 225/225/50 500
2. 4 Open 2000 225/225/50 500
3. 5/6 NP 1000 175/175/50 400
4. 4 NP 1000 175/175/50 400
5. 4 Am 500 140/140/50 330
6. 5/6 Am 500 140/140/50 330
Weekend Schedule: March 21 & 22, 2015 8:00am
Class Order Purse EF/ CF/ O Total
1. Open 500 140/140/55* 335
2. Non-Pro 500 140/140/55* 335
3. $50,000 Am 300 135/125/55* 315
4. $35,000 NP -0- 75/75/55* 205
5. $15,000 Novice 300 135/125/55* 315
6. $15,000 Nov/NP 300 135/125/55* 315
7. $1,000 Amateur -0- 75/75/50 200
8. $5,000 Novice 300 135/125/55* 315
9. Youth Sr/Jr -0- 20/20/50 90
*Youth Scholarship Cutting *
10. $15,000 Am -0- 75/75/55* 205
11. $5,000 Nov/ NP 300 135/125/55* 315
12. $2,000 Limit Rider -0- 75/75/55* 205
*$5/entry Northwest Regional Cutting Series fee*
ICHA is happy to have Laurie Errington with Scootemnshootem photography 801-791-9050 www.scootemnshootem
and Aaron Aegerter with Hitchiker Productions/Video 253-820-7960 www.hitchikerproductions.com[/tab_item]
[tab_item title="ICHA Approved Shows"]
2015 Tentative Idaho Cutting Horse Association Show Schedule
 Dates                          Event                                                  Location                                                 Contact
   March 18-20                     ICHA LAE Spring Show                            Nampa, ID                            ICHA
*March 21-22                  ICHA Weekend Show                               Nampa, ID                                 Denise Shewmaker
** March 21-22                  Gabrielle Sanborn Youth Memorial Cutting-Saturday & Sunday   
  April 9-10                           OCHA LAE Spring Show                          Madras, OR                                     OCHA
*April 11-12                     OCHA Weekend Show                             Madras, OR             OCHA
**April 28-May 7              NCHA Western Nationals                        Reno, NV
June 4-5                               Area 3 NCHA Days LAE                           Nampa, ID                            ICHA
June 6-7                               Area 3 NCHA Days                                    Nampa, ID                            Denise Shewmaker
** June 19-21                  NCHA Convention
*July 9-12                        WCHA Weekend & LAE Show                Moses Lake, WA    WCHA
*August 7 & 8                     Big Sky Weekend Cutting                       Majestic Arena, Kalispell                                           Theresa Nelson
*August 9                             Northwest Regional Championship
August 10-15                   Big Sky Futurity & Aged Event              Majestic Arena, Kalispell                                           Will Nuttall
August 20-21                      Meadow Vue Ranch LAE                         MVR, Henry's Lake, ID                        Mike Moedl
August 22-23                      Meadow Vue Ranch Weekend              MVR, Henry's Lake, ID                         Van Greenwell
Aug 26-Sept 3                     ICHA Futurity & Aged Event                   Nampa, ID                ICHA
Aug 29 & 30th                      Mercuria World Series Open & NP
Sept 1 & 2nd                         $1000 added NCHA Open/NP & 50 Am
*  Northwest Regional Cutting Series
** Gabrielle Sanborn Youth Memorial Scholarship Cutting
[tab_item title="Donate to the Youth Scholarship"]
Your donation is 100% tax deductible to the Gold Buckle Champion's 501 (c) (3) organization. A deductible receipt will be emailed to you.

Read more HERE about Gabrielle Sanborn and the Scholarship Cutting and view the past winners.

Thank you in advance for preserving our western heritage, our youth, and our sport.
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Contact Scott Martin for Regional Series  [email protected]
Contact Denise Shewmaker for ICHA Events  [email protected]
Oregon – Madras, OR:
April 9th – 12th, 2015 –
LAE – April 9th & 10th
Weekend show – April 11th & 12th, 2015
Western nationals in Reno April 28-May 7
May 14-17
Boise Valley
Caldwell may 23-24
Utah - Farmington, UT
May 28 - 30, 2015
Contact Kathryn Webb [email protected]

Idaho will also be hosting the NCHA Days in June at the Idaho Horse Park with an Aged Event before
Area 3 Aged Event June 4-5, 2015  NCHA Days June 6-7, 2015

Utah -Farmington
June 25-27
Washington – Moses Lake, WA:
July 9th – 12th, 2015 –LAE and Weekend show – July 9th – 12th, 2015
Contact Keith McGinnis  [email protected]
Montana – Kalispell, MT:
Aug 7th – 9th, 2015 –LAE and Weekend show – Aug 7th – 9th, 2015  Majestic Arena
Northwest Regional Championship ShootOut  
Big Sky Futurity & Aged Event
August 10-15
Idaho - Henry's lake  Meadow Vue Ranch
Meadow Vue Ranch LAE  August 20-21
Meadow Vue Ranch Weekend August 22-23
Idaho Futurity 
Aug 26- September 3
Fresh Cattle Practice August 25
Mercuria August 29-30
September 1-2 $1,000 Added NCHA Open & NP & 50 Am

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